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FreeXXXHD女人(英伦美女一句Hey gorgeous甜进心窝,享受悦耳嗓音、学商务英语)

两性之间 发布日期: 2023-05-23 浏览:





Hey gorgeous!


It’s xxx here from…I am going to ask you a personal question:

How often do you increase your prices? And when is the last time that you actually even announced an increase?

If you’re anything like the average entrepreneur the answer is probably “never,” or “not for ages.” And in fact, most women I know are just totally undercharging in the first place, and that’s a recipe for burn-out and can even affect your positioning in the marketplace and how clients perceive you.

Increasing your prices is something that you need to do regularly as a business owner, and honestly it doesn’t need to be scary – so today we are gonna talk about how you can justify it to yourself and to your clients without feeling bad or like a greedy bxxxx.


So, be honest with me – when you think about increasing your prices, do you feel guilty or kind of stressed about it? If you do, that’s actually really common.

The truth is that pricing is one of those things that feel really emotional for women. It can feel really tough to say your prices, which is why so many women trying to crowdsource their pricing or they just want somebody else to just tell them what to charge.

So think about it: when you’re in a job, the company sets the prices. But now YOU’RE the boss, so YOU have to look after it. You have to set it. Which feels like a bummer, but it doesn’t have to be.


Now, when I was first working for a consulting firm back in London, I was charged out to clients at a certain rate. And as I got more experienced and as I did more training, they increased my charge-out rate. And the company had no money locks about increasing that because my experience was getting better.

But when I started working for myself, what I did is I looked around at what everyone was charging and charged less than that, and then every time I increased my prices, even just a little bit, I felt panic for never getting another client.

And this is what women do, they look around at what everyone else is charging and they either average it up, or they undercharge their competitors. And that’s a HUGE mistake by the way, but don’t worry, I’ve got a resource to help you get over that particular pricing...

But if you’re in the same boat right now and the thought of increasing your prices makes you feel sick, I’ve got three things that I want you to consider to help you justify it and feel better about it.

在这几段里,演讲者回忆了她之前在伦敦的咨询公司工作时,公司依据她工作经验的增长而向她的客户提高了她的咨询服务费。但是当她自己创业、开办了自己的咨询业务,她很害怕提高价格;她常常是调研一下其他人的收费,然后再把自己的服务费定得低一些 – 而这样做非常不妥。

And that the first one is, experience. So this happens everywhere, think about hair salons, sometimes they charge different rates depending if you see a junior or a senior stylist?

So, you choose, right, if you want the best, you go for the senior stylist, but it’s only fair that the apprentice or people, you know, starting up don’t charge as much.

So remember there’s a price point for every market and every budget, and that is true in business as well. So if you get better results for your clients, you can totally justify higher prices.

If you’ve got a lot of experience, you’re confident about the results you can get, or you save them time and money with your expertise, then guess what? You deserve to charge accordingly and increase your rates as your experience gets better. Because your experience and your knowledge, it didn’t come for free, right?

这几段讲述了能支持你理直气壮地涨价的第一个主要因素:你的经验资历。演讲者举了有经验和缺乏经验的发型师的例子 – 如果你能为你的客户带来更好的结果、为他们节省更多的时间,你就应该为此而收取更高的费用。而随着你的经验的增长,你的收费理应越来越高 – 你的经验和知识也并非是免费获得的,对不对?



如果你想要系统地学习涨价相关的“超级商务英语话术”,请移步前往我们“乐求英语”的课程专栏哦!有一节精彩的课程 - “涨价不丢客户、还变成促销?这四大要领给你答案!”等着你呢。
